We are accountable to Parliament via Annual Reports. We set out our plans annually in a Statement of Expectations, and four yearly in a Statement of Intent.
Ngā Rīpoata ā Tau me ngā puka rangatōpū - Corporate documents
We value transparency and publish a range of reports on our plans, actions and achievements.
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Current documents
These documents are for the current financial year, or are currently applicable.
Accountability documents
Accountability documents
Includes Annual Reports, Statements of Intent and Statements of Performance Expectations and Minister's Letters of Expectations.
Our latest Annual Report is available to view or download here.
Current strategies and policies
Current strategies and policies
Our Investment strategy cover all areas of our mahi and is supported by Te Pae Tata Rautaki (a new Rautaki Māori in 2024).
Sets out in detail how we invest in public media content
Our commitment to Māori content creators and audiences - English version
Our commitment to Māori content creators and audiences - te reo version
If you would like information about prior strategies please email your request to communications@nzonair.govt.nz
Consultations and reviews
Consultations and reviews
There are no consultations or reviews currently underway. Recent consultations and reviews are below.
In November 2022, NZ On Air produced a consultation document outlining the proposed transitional strategy for Irirangi te Motu|NZ On Air for 2023/24. This document outlines how we planned to work towards redefining our role, focusing on serving our priority audiences, and evolving our mahi to be complementary to but different from the public media entity, ANZPM.
In late 2020 we engaged media consultant Hal Crawford to review the three-year old NZ Media Fund. As an independent person with direct experience of the NZ media and NZ On Air funding he was briefed with asking whether the fund is working, and what could be better.
NZ On Air's response to Hal Crawford's review
This report summarises the outcomes of the Public Interest Journalism Fund, at the point funding allocation ended June 2023.
Premium Productions $50m Fund - sector consultation
The Premium Productions for International Audiences fund is part of the Screen Sector Recovery Package announced by Ministers in July. It applies to 2021-2022 and is designed to support the production of high-quality feature films or series dramas that tell strong New Zealand stories with international appeal.
On Wednesday 28 October the NZFC, NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho held a live webinar to give an update on the Fund.
The Fund is a jointly administered initiative between the NZFC and NZ On Air, developed in partnership with Te Māngai Pāho.
The webinar panelists were NZFC CEO Annabelle Sheehan, NZ On Air CEO Cameron Harland and Te Māngai Pāho Kaiwhakahaere, Pouaka Whakaata, Larry Parr.
More than 150 people attended the event and we'd like to thank everyone for joining and for submitting their questions.
Questions that remained unanswered at the end of the session have been collated and answered in the document below.
The consultation document the webinar discussed is below.
Memoranda of Understanding
Memoranda of Understanding
We collaborate with other agencies often, and have a Memorandum of Understanding to formalise collaborations where necessary.
Signed in 2024 the MOU sets out agreed terms for a co-fund between Te Māngai Pāho and NZ On Air
CE expense report
CE expense report
The Chief Executive's expenses are reported annually
If you cannot find what you are looking for in the below archive please email
Past Annual Reports
Past Annual Reports
Past Statements of Intent & Statements of Performance Expectations
Past Statements of Intent & Statements of Performance Expectations
Past reports to Ministers
Past reports to Ministers
Briefing to Minister Jackson
Past Letters of Expectations
Past Letters of Expectations
Past CE expense reports
Past CE expense reports
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