
In April 2016 Glasshouse Consulting, commissioned by NZ On Air, carried out a phone and online survey of 1,400 New Zealanders aged 15 plus.
The survey asked respondents about what media they consumed "yesterday" and also if they had "ever used" particular media.

The research is a follow-up to a survey first carried out in 2014, which provides the only independent, publicly available data across media types.
The same methodology and questions were used, except where change was necessary to reflect changes in media.

NZ On Air funds content for television, radio and online audiences. We will go where the audiences are - so having a clear understanding of where they are, and how media consumption is changing is important to our strategy.

This survey included 400 people interviewed online, as the 2013 Census showed 15% of households have no landline.

The survey has a margin of error of +/-2.6%

Key Findings

New Zealanders continue to tune in to traditional media in the largest numbers, more frequently and for longer than any other media.This dominance is under real pressure with growing use of online video on sites like YouTube and Facebook, and the NZ launch of online subscription video on demand (SVOD) services.

The biggest growth and driver of change since the 2014 survey has been the launch of SVOD services marketed directly to New Zealanders. One in four tune in to a local or international SVOD service like Netflix or Lightbox service daily.

Even in SVOD homes, linear TV by a fine margin still attracts the biggest daily audience.

There is an increasingly big generation gap in media consumption. In 2016 more 15–34 year olds stream online video each day than watch linear TV.

Early adoption and increasing access to technology is enabling younger generations to consume more online media.

There is a sea change in music consumption - 33% of NZers consume music each day by streaming.
But radio remains strong as the place to hear about new music.

where are the audiences 2016
where are the audiences 2016

Media Reach

where are the audiences 2016

How often we watch

where are the audiences 2016

The generation gap: daily viewing

where are the audiences 2016

Time spent with media each day

where are the audiences 2016

SVOD vs linear tv

where are the audiences 2016

Music turnaround

where are the audiences 2016

Regional variances in media use