Since 1989 NZ On Air has measured local free-to-air television content. This report compares the schedules of the free-to-air channels, to observe trends and changes in the local content landscape.

Key trends

  • Local content in 2003 was the second highest on record: only 2002 was higher.
  • Total hours in 2003 were 6,675 (compared with 7,201 in 2002, and 6,190 in 2001).
  • Local content accounted for 33.1% (35.8% in 2002) of the 6am to midnight broadcast hours (25.4% for the 24 hour clock; 27.4% in 2002 ).
  • TVOne screened 54.6% local content for the hours 6am to midnight.
  • TV2 screened 24.3% local content for the hours 6am to midnight.
  • TV3 screened 20.4% local content for the hours 6am to midnight.
  • Prime time local content hours increased by 6% in 2003 (from 1,734 in 2002 to 1,841 in 2003). • Prime time local content hours increased across all three free-to-air channels.