01 Aug 2016

NZ Screen content in schools 2016

This research looked at the use of NZ screen content in schools. What content is used and why, where its accessed, and what barriers there might be to using NZ

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28 Jul 2016

Where are the audiences? 2016

New Zealanders’ media consumption habits are changing rapidly as the media environment and technology changes. The most rapid change is with younger audiences.

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28 Jun 2016

Public Awareness and Attitudes Survey 2016

This survey of the general public looks at public perception, understanding, and support for NZ On Air and its funded programmes and services.

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23 May 2016

Diversity Report 2016

This report is the first of an ongoing series monitoring gender and ethnic diversity at the producer, director and writer level in TV and digital projects

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15 Apr 2016

Local Content Report 2015

Local content on television increased 2.4% in 2015, although the amount of new programmes continued to decline.

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28 Mar 2016

Stakeholder survey 2015

We conduct regular stakeholder audits to ensure we understand our industry partners and their needs.

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24 Nov 2015

Skills shortages in drama production

A study commissioned by NZ On Air and NZ Film Commission on behalf of Screen NZ to look at what skills shortage exist in drama production in NZ.

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09 Oct 2015

Music Outcomes & Impacts and Artist Analysis report 2015

This report looks at the performance of Making Tracks funded songs since Making Tracks began in 2011.

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01 Jun 2015

Public Attitudes and Awareness survey 2015

This survey of the general public looks at public perception, understanding, and support for NZ On Air and its funded programmes and services.

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10 Apr 2015

Local Content Report 2014

Local content on television increased 3% last year and the percentage of first run local content held steady.

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30 Mar 2015

Children's Media Use Study 2015

TV is still the dominant screen in NZ children's lives, but tablets and smartphones are now in daily use and Youtube has become a main source of content.

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06 Aug 2014

Regional TV Audience Research 2014

Results of a survey conducted April 2014 by Colmar Brunton for NZ On Air, to establish an indicative understanding of audiences for regional television channels

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