24 Nov 2015

Skills shortages in drama production

A study commissioned by NZ On Air and NZ Film Commission on behalf of Screen NZ to look at what skills shortage exist in drama production in NZ.

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01 Jun 2015

Public Attitudes and Awareness survey 2015

This survey of the general public looks at public perception, understanding, and support for NZ On Air and its funded programmes and services.

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30 Mar 2015

Children's Media Use Study 2015

TV is still the dominant screen in NZ children's lives, but tablets and smartphones are now in daily use and Youtube has become a main source of content.

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06 Aug 2014

Regional TV Audience Research 2014

Results of a survey conducted April 2014 by Colmar Brunton for NZ On Air, to establish an indicative understanding of audiences for regional television channels

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04 Jul 2014

Public Awareness & Attitudes Survey 2014

This survey of the general public looks at public perception, understanding, and support for NZ On Air and its funded programmes and services.

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01 Jul 2013

Working With Māori In Screen Production

A report by Ngā Aho Whakaari, the Association of Māori in Screen Production.

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21 Jun 2013

NZ On Air Documentary Survey

The survey reinforced the importance of documentary to respondents who acknowledged the quality of NZ documentaries, particularly their production values

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01 Jun 2013

Public Perception Research 2013

This survey of the general public looks at public perception, understanding, and support for NZ On Air and its funded programmes and services.

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01 Apr 2013

Stakeholder Survey 2013

We conduct regular stakeholder audits to ensure we understand our industry partners and their needs. The stakeholder audit is conducted by Senate SHJ.

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01 Jul 2012

Public Perception Research 2012

This survey of the general public looks at public perception, understanding, and support for NZ On Air and its funded programmes and services.

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01 Jun 2012

Broadcast programming For Pacific Audiences June 2012

Researchers look at current broadcast content provided for Pacific audiences in New Zealand, and what is important to the various audiences.

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04 May 2012

Evaluative Study of NZ On Air - May 2012

A study of NZ On Air and its work over two decades

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