08 Oct 2020

Public Awareness and Attitudes Survey 2020

Each year we survey members of the public to measure public perception, understanding, and support for NZ On Air and its funded content

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01 Oct 2020

Review of Local Democracy Reporting 2020

The review has been undertaken by Dr Gavin Ellis ONZM MA PhD, a media consultant and researcher with an extensive background in journalism.

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01 Sep 2020

Where Are The Audiences? 2020

2020 looks to be the year traditional media audiences are overtaken by digital media audiences

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13 Jul 2020

Diversity Report 2020

This report monitors gender and ethnic diversity among key personnel of NZ On Air-funded projects, as well as regional spread of production companies.

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01 Jul 2020

Children's Media Use Survey 2020

Children are increasingly consuming stories, songs and games on international media and platforms, many missing out on local content.

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01 Jan 2020

New Zealand's Identity, Culture and the Media: What's changed in 30 years?

NZ On Air has released new research that spotlights how NZers view ourselves, our perceptions of our culture and identity, and our relationship with local media

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18 Dec 2019

Options To Improve The Environment For New Zealand Journalism

Following a roundtable meeting in July 2019, facilitated by NZ On Air, we asked business journalist Pattrick Smellie to produce a short options paper

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11 Nov 2019

New Music Funding Schemes Review

NZ On Air recently commissioned Russell Brown to review our New Music Funding schemes.

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03 Sep 2019

Public Awareness and Attitudes Survey 2019

Each year we survey members of the public to measure public perception, understanding, and support for NZ On Air and its funded content

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28 Jun 2019

Diversity Report 2019

NZ On Air’s fourth Diversity Report shows a more diverse mix of content creators in key screen production roles, but there is still under-representation of Asia

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20 May 2019

A Profile of Creative Professionals

New Zealanders employed in creative professions juggle jobs and rely on safety nets to ensure they can put food on the table.

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14 Mar 2019

Stakeholder survey 2018

We conduct regular stakeholder audits to ensure we understand our industry partners and their needs.

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