08 Oct 2020

Public Awareness and Attitudes Survey 2020

Each year we survey members of the public to measure public perception, understanding, and support for NZ On Air and its funded content

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01 Sep 2020

Where Are The Audiences? 2020

2020 looks to be the year traditional media audiences are overtaken by digital media audiences

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03 Sep 2019

Public Awareness and Attitudes Survey 2019

Each year we survey members of the public to measure public perception, understanding, and support for NZ On Air and its funded content

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20 May 2019

A Profile of Creative Professionals

New Zealanders employed in creative professions juggle jobs and rely on safety nets to ensure they can put food on the table.

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14 Mar 2019

Stakeholder survey 2018

We conduct regular stakeholder audits to ensure we understand our industry partners and their needs.

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12 Dec 2018

Access Radio Review 2018

In 2018, NZ On Air commissioned Dr Matt Mollgaard from AUT to undertake a regular scheduled review of the 12 funded Community Access radio stations.

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01 Aug 2018

Where Are The Audiences? 2018

Online media are closing the gap, but traditional broadcast media are still dominant with most New Zealanders, in the latest media consumption research.

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01 Aug 2018

Public Awareness and Attitudes Survey 2018

Each year we survey members of the public to measure public perception, understanding, and support for NZ On Air and its funded content

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03 Jul 2018

NPRT Service Review 2017

In 2017 we commissioned an independent review of the National Pacific Radio Trust to establish if it was achieving its objectives.

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31 Jul 2017

Public Awareness and Attitudes Survey 2017

This survey of the general public looks at public perception, understanding, and support for NZ On Air and its funded programmes and services. It was carried out by Colmar Brunton.

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02 Aug 2016

Community Access Radio 2016

In 2016 NZ On Air commissioned Colmar Brunton to carry out a qualitative piece of research to understand and explore how Community Access Radio meets the needs

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01 Aug 2016

NZ Screen content in schools 2016

This research looked at the use of NZ screen content in schools. What content is used and why, where its accessed, and what barriers there might be to using NZ

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