Tēnā koutou rau rangatira mā,

Kia tau iho rā ngā tauwhirotanga o te runga rawa ki a koutou katoa.

The final production funding round for Te Puna Kairangi will open on Monday 6 December 2021 with a deadline of Tuesday 22 February 2022.

Updated Premium Production Fund Guidelines, Terms of Trade and Submission checklists are available here.

Of note, following consultation with the Guilds and others in the screen sector:

  • the requirement for a minimum of 10% Private International Investment remains the same as previous rounds
  • we have added considerations relating to the five key objectives to provide greater clarity

Applications will only be accepted if they are submitted through the portal on the funding page of Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC) website before the published deadline. If you have not applied for NZFC funding before you will need to create an account on the portal first.

A webinar about the round will be held on Wednesday 8 December 5 – 6pm.
Save the date

You can join the webinar here.

Questions can be sent in advance to premiumfund@nzfilm.co.nz


OPENS: Monday 6 December 2021

INFORMATION WEBINAR: Wednesday 8 December 5 – 6pm

CLOSES: Tuesday 22 February 2022, 1pm

We aim to announce funding decisions by mid May 2022.

Kia haumaru te noho, kia atawhai tātou ki a tātou katoa.
Stay safe and be kind to one another.

Please direct any enquiries to: