Beyond 2023
Over the past weeks, the Board and management of NZ On Air has been busy shaping options for the future strategic direction of our agency.
With the establishment of the new Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media entity (ANZPM) next year, and advice of a reduced budget from 2023/24, we need to consider a new strategic framework for funding. One that ensures we remain relevant and connected to the sustainability of the local media eco-system, deliver value to the audiences we serve, and continue to reflect and develop NZ identity and culture.
After discussion and brainstorming of ideas by NZ On Air’s Board and management, and including input from stakeholder interviews, we have produced three concepts for change as well as a transitional strategy for the 2023/24 financial year while the ANZPM transition takes place.
We are currently fleshing out further the details of our transitional strategy –and will present more detail to the sector at the SPADA Conference on Friday 25 November. If you haven’t yet registered for the conference, you can find the registration page here.
Attached is a document we would like to share with you. It provides our current thinking for the transitional strategy and a summary of the potential options for a new direction for NZ On Air, as well as the work we will be doing as an agency to develop these further. You can find the document here.
We look to the future with optimism and are exploring the options for change with an eye to achieving the best for NZ audiences, drawing on the detailed research and measurement knowledge we are accumulating about their needs. We look forward to many productive conversations with the creators and platforms who serve audiences, about the ideas we are exploring.