30 July 2024

Information for applicants to Round Rua

The second funding round of the 2024/25 financial year opens next month. This round will be accepting applications across Scripted and Non-Fiction production and Scripted and Non-Fiction Content development. We will also be accepting applications for Capability (Industry skills and training initiatives) and Discoverability (Industry events and awards). Allocations for this round are:

  • Approximately $9m for Non-Fiction projects 
    • Includes documentaries, general factual, comedy panel shows, and unscripted comedy shows, journalism, and partial financing of documentary feature films. Approximately $5m is available for journalism projects but read the Information for applicants to understand the priorities.
  • Approximately $6m for Scripted projects
    • We will prioritise applications seeking $1m to ~$3m per project. We will accept applications seeking under $1m but will likely preference those with a finance plan that includes third-party funding as their business case will be stronger.
  • Approximately $5m for Tamariki content
    • We welcome both Scripted and Non-Fiction children's projects. We will not accept games applications in this round.

Please read the Information for Applicants to Round Rua here.


31 July 2024

  • Applicant information webinar. A webinar will be held on Zoom on Wednesday, 31 July from 3-4pm to answer questions relating to round Rua. To register, email funding@nzonair.govt.nz.

22 August 2024

  • Funding round opens. All applications must be made through our funding application portal. Applications not submitted through this system will not be accepted.

12 September 2024, 4pm

  • Application deadline. Round closes. Late applications will not be considered. In very exceptional circumstances, for time-sensitive projects agreed prior by the Head of Funding, we may consider an out-of-time application.

22 November 2024                

  • Decisions confirmed, applicants notified. This date may be extended at NZ On Air’s sole discretion.