27 June 2024

Setting our path

We’re very happy to share with you our freshly minted plans for the next four years and, in more detail, for the next financial year.

Every four years we are required to set out at a high level our plans to deliver on the mandate set for us in the Broadcasting Act, and how we will measure our success. The Statement of Intent 2024-28 has now been published. We have also taken the opportunity to refresh our Strategic Framework – expressed in the image below, as well as in Te Ipukarea, our foundational document.

Alongside that, we have published our Statement of Performance Expectations 2024/25, which gives more detail about our intentions over the coming year and sets some new measures designed to track the outcomes of our funding over time, and a new rautaki Māori, Te Pae Tata.

NZOA_Our Strategic Framework

A new leader

Our Chair, Dr Ruth Harley, will sadly be leaving us soon. Ruth has ably steered our waka for six years. She will chair her final funding meeting next week on 3 July and we wish to formally acknowledge our thanks and best wishes to her.

Coming in as new Chair, we welcome Andrew Caisley. Andrew has longstanding experience in governance roles in the creative sector, serving as both member and or Chair of the NZ Book Council, Playmarket, the Indian Ink Theatre Trust, and Q Theatre Trust, and as a member of Creative New Zealand and the New Zealand Film and Literature Board Review.

We are really looking forward to working with Andrew, and to the skills and knowledge he will bring to our governance. There will be opportunities over the coming months to meet and engage with Andrew.

Research updates

We have two new key pieces of research coming out over the next two months. The first (23 July) will be our first deep dive into the behaviours and motivations of Māori audiences. This takes a Where Are The Audiences approach and adds a layer of qualitative research and analysis.
The second is our general Where Are The Audiences update for 2024, which will be out in August. Both will be published in full on our website. If you have any inquiries in advance, please contact Head of Communications and Research Allanah Kalafatelis.

Website update and system upgrade

We’re currently undertaking some urgently needed updates to several of our key systems. The first is a refresh of our website to make it easier for you to find the information you need. If you receive a survey in coming days asking for your feedback on how useable our site is, please help us out by completing it. Help us to help you 😊.

We are also having to upgrade our finance and funding systems at the same time. Our finance system (which you would acknowledge is pretty important!) will soon not be supported so we have to switch to a new system. At the same time, we are improving our funding applications portal which connects with the finance system, and adding new capability to manage our communications with you.

We are focused on ensuring these improvements really are BETTER for you and for us in managing taxpayer funds and reporting requirements. You’ll hear more about this in coming weeks, and some of you will be asked to try out the new funding application system so that we can tailor it and ensure it really is easy to use.

All of these are much needed upgrades to vital systems that we are undertaking within our modest admin overheads. We keep our overheads low, and ensure that we have good staff who work diligently, but they need the tools to do their jobs well.


Finally, we wish all our sector partners, collaborators and stakeholders a safe and enjoyable Matariki break. We hope you find time for reflection and recharging.

Mānawatia a Matariki.