24 July 2024

Connecting tamariki with content - an RFP

To better connect parents, caregivers, and children with NZ On Air-funded tamariki screen content, NZ On Air intends to create a hub on YouTube. The intention is to make it easier to find and enjoy local content made specifically for New Zealand children.

We are seeking Expressions of Interest from organisations with experience in the local tamariki screen content sector to establish and run two aggregate YouTube channels (pre-school and primary aged) that harness a larger catalogue and showcase funded tamariki content. Applications open on 26 July 2024.

You can find all the information about the RFP here.

Round Rua

Round Rua opens on Thursday 22 August. This funding round will be open to Non-Fiction, Scripted and Children’s content applications, including those seeking to access the Screen Production Rebate (SPR).

The full guidelines for Round Rua will be available on the Funding page of our website from Tuesday 30 July.

Round Rua Webinar
We will also be hosting a Q&A webinar the day after the guideline are made available – on Wednesday 31 July from 3-4pm on Zoom.

The NZ On Air Funding team will be hosting the session and will answer any questions you have about Round Rua.

If you are interested in attending, please pre-register for the webinar by emailing funding@nzonair.govt.nz. A Zoom link will be sent to you closer to the time.

Audience research

Yesterday we launched co-commissioned research into the media behaviours, and content preferences of Māori audiences. This qualitative and quantitative research is available on our website.

Our next general audience research, Where Are The Audiences? 2024 will be released in late August.