Premium productions $50m fund - sector consultation

You have an opportunity to find out more about the Premium Productions for International Audiences fund, ask questions and provide feedback.

The fund (AKA the $50m Premium drama fund) is part of the Screen Sector Recovery Package announced by Ministers in July. It applies to 2021-2022 and is designed to support the production of high-quality feature films or series dramas that tell strong New Zealand stories with international appeal.

The Fund is a jointly administered initiative between NZFC and NZ On Air, developed in partnership with Te Māngai Pāho.

A high level document has been created for consultation and is available here. It is designed as an introduction to the Fund and presents the core settings supported by the rationale behind them.

We would greatly appreciate feedback channeled through the guilds, so that consensus, where it exists, is clear, rather than individual feedback. However if you do not belong to a guild and have an important issue to raise you can do this via email to

Feedback must be received no later than Monday 2nd November. This feedback will help us identify the key points of concerns from the industry and inform any updated settings that we will urgently send back to the Ministry of Culture and Heritage for their final sign-off.

Please note:

  • Some of the settings are noted as ‘fixed’ (provisionally approved by the Minister), and others are unprescribed at this point and more open for feedback.
  • Requested changes to 'fixed' settings may be considered but any amendment is likely to slow down implementation of the Fund. There is a process to follow, including Ministerial approval on final settings. Evidence-based arguments for the rationale of the requested change will need to be provided.

A webinar about the fund is scheduled on Wednesday 28th October at 5pm with representatives from the New Zealand Film Commission, NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho.

How to join the webinar

Join the event here at 5pm on Wednesday 28 October

  • This will open a new tab in your browser
  • Click 'watch on the web' instead
  • If you have a Microsoft account, sign in; if not, attend anonymously

To ask a question, click 'Ask a question' in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Enter your name and type your question.

Or email your questions in advance to As time will be limited emailed questions will be prioritised.

Some light reading for the long weekend

Annual report

We have just published our Annual Report 2019/20. You can read and download the document here.

This gives an excellent overview of our activities and achievements during the year, all of which have been driven by you, our valued stakeholders.

In addition we have published the Statement of Performance Expectations for 2020/21, and our Statement of Intent for 2020-24.

These documents set out the high level plan for the next four years, and the immediate priorities for the current year.