Public Interest Journalism Fund Round 4 Criteria and updated General Guidelines

The Public Interest Journalism (PIJF) team are pleased to announce that updated General Guidelines, updated Q + A and new Round 4 Criteria are now available on the NZ On Air website.

In response to industry feedback, the 2022 application process has been streamlined.

Key changes to the PIJF 2022 application process:

  • Simplified one-step application process.
  • All three pillars, Roles, Projects and Industry Development will be included in each round.
  • Roles applicants will be able to apply for overheads of up to 10% per role.
  • Three rounds will be available in 2022. PIJF application dates and deadlines.

Updates to General Guidelines

Even if you have read them before, we would encourage you to check through the updated General Guidelines which have had various revisions to highlight new resources available for applicants, refinement to assessment criteria and processes, and information around the new one-step submission process.

Round 4 Criteria

Round 4 Criteria are now available ahead of the round opening on Thursday 31st March.

It’s expected that funding of up to circa $5m will be made available in this round. It’s essential that anyone wanting to apply to this round read these criteria which provide detailed information on how applications will be assessed across all three pillars of the PIJF.

Applications to round 4 close 4pm Thursday 28th April.

If you have questions or would like to discuss your proposal, please feel free to contact the journalism team.

Raewyn Rasch, Head of Journalism:
Gabriel Thomas, Journalism Manager:
Fairooz Samy, Journalism Funding Advisor:

New journalism resources

To further support the journalism sector, the PIJF team have commissioned the following resources:

Journalism Mentoring, A Programme for New Zealand

Experienced Journalism educator Jim Tucker has developed a programme to assist those wanting to set up newsroom mentoring programmes or undertake journalism mentoring.

Te Tiriti Framework for News Media

In response to requests from applicants for more information, NZ On Air has commissioned research that provides a resource for those wanting to develop their own Te Tiriti strategy in ways that suit their contexts. Expert group Kupu Taea have developed a framework of questions applicants may use to help focus a Te Tiriti response. This is a suggested resource, not mandatory. A version with rationale and a shorter version are available for download.