Shorts Newsletter - 1 November 2021

Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air has launched new brand assets to help New Zealand audiences identify funded content.

NZ On Air logo lock up

This special newsletter contains important information for all producers, publishers and broadcasters of funded content. This excludes the Public Interest Journalism Fund which has separate branding.

Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air is today launching new brand assets to help New Zealand audiences identify funded content. It’s been about 12 years since we last updated the full suite of assets so it’s a bit overdue!

Read on to find out about the changes we’ve made and how to access and use the new assets when accrediting and promoting funded content. The new accreditation requirements and brand assets form part of the contract for funding.

Why does the brand matter?

We require all funded content and its promotion to clearly signal that it has been funded through NZ On Air so that taxpayers understand where the funding goes, and can appreciate and value the breadth of publicly funded content available.

The end game of course is that because funded content is valued, funding continues to be available.

What’s changed and why?

The first change is an overdue update to our logo. In line with government guidance on the use of te reo Māori in organisation names, the NZ On Air logo now leads with the te reo translation of our agency’s name – Irirangi Te Motu. This decision was made in consultation with Te Taura Whiri I Te Reo Maori - the Māori Language Commission and Te Māngai Pāho.

We have also moved away from using the full spectrum of rainbow colours in our logo so as to better complement the range of places where it appears.

The second important changes relates to our animated logo assets. We have been fielding enquiries for some time from producers and music video creators that the current formats available for the animated logo bug and animated credit sequence are no longer compatible with a variety of editing software.

In response we have created light and dark versions of two new animated assets, which are now available in 4K, HD and social media formats.

Overall, we didn’t want to do a full (costly) redesign of our logo. The NZ On Air swoosh has high recognisability, and frankly, we prefer to put our funds into creating content.

So here’s a recap of the key changes:

  • Our updated logo leads with Irirangi Te Motu.
  • Our static logo and animated logo bug are now only available in light or dark versions – to better complement the wide variety of places it may appear.
  • Our new animation sequence incorporates key design elements that better speak to the form and function of NZ On Air - our iconic swoosh transitions from a soundwave into the islands of Aotearoa, alluding to funded content connecting with audiences across the motu.
  • The new animated credit sequence (for use at the beginning or end of content) incorporates a new more zesty colour palette and also has no soundtrack.
  • Our updated Accreditation Requirements document:
    • Is laid out much more clearly to differentiate between accreditation on different types of content, as well as clarify producer and platform obligations when it comes to publicity and social media promotion.
    • Includes information on new content accreditation requirements (such as content funded specifically for social media sites like Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.)
    • Includes guidance on placement and minimum sizes for the NZ On Air logo to ensure the text is always legible and the brand recognisable.

These new brand assets are for use from today forward. Please delete any saved versions of the old logo, bug, end sequence and accreditation requirements document.

And then download the new assets here.

Download the updated accreditation document here.

We expect these to be used from today forward. We do not expect them to be applied retrospectively. If your content is already in the can and delivered with the old logo don’t fret – that's ok! Our old logo will likely be around for a long time anyway, on repeats and on demand.

We’re here to help

If you have any questions either now as you familiarise yourself with the new assets or later, the Communications team is here to help.

Reach out to us at


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