Final Production Funding Round Webinar and Expression of Interest Form

Tēnā koutou rau rangatira mā,

Kia tau iho rā ngā tauwhirotanga o te runga rawa ki a koutou katoa.

A reminder that the final production funding round for Te Puna Kairangi will open on Monday, 6 December 2021 with a deadline of Tuesday, 22 February 2022.

Here’s the link to the webinar being held on Wednesday 8 December at 5pm.

If you are intending to apply to this round please complete this simple Expression of Interest form to help with resource planning.

Polly and Kay are happy to meet with all potential applicants so please contact them at They’re available until 23 December and again from Monday 17 January 2022.

Premium Production Fund Guidelines, Terms of Trade and Submission checklists available here.