Raupapa Whakaari: Drama To The World

Applications open February 18

Raupapa Whakaari

The New Zealand Film Commission and NZ On Air in conjunction with Script to Screen present RAUPAPA WHAKAARI, a new initiative designed to develop and package distinctive high-end series drama for the international market.

The initiative supports writer/producer teams through a dual approach of project development funding and advice from international drama practitioners at the top of their game.

Applications for Raupapa Whakaari close mid-March, after which up to 10 writer/producer teams with distinctive series concepts and a strong track record will be selected. Each selected team will attend an immersive five-day Series Drama Lab and receive a grant of $10,000 to further develop their concept into a strong pitch.

The Series Drama Lab is five-days of intensive project development under the tutelage of high-level international advisors, including craft-based workshops, story feedback sessions and writers’ tables.

Following the lab each team will have the opportunity to submit a re-worked pitch and a plan for packaging their project for the international market, with four grants available of up to $80,000.

“This initiative will support ambitious New Zealand visions for global series drama. New Zealand screen writers and producers have a real capacity to engage in what is a pervasive global appetite for unique stories supported by the Raupapa Whakaari Funding,” said NZFC CEO, Annabelle Sheehan.

“We are thrilled to partner in Raupapa Whakaari. The potential to deliver larger-scale local stories for New Zealand audiences that have a good shot to compete internationally, is exciting. It represents an exceptionally good opportunity for local creative talent to shine on a world stage,” said NZ On Air Chief Executive Jane Wrightson.

“We are delighted to conceive and deliver the Series Drama Lab for the Raupapa Whakaari fund. Esther Cahill-Chiaroni brings her expertise and nurturing spirit to the Lab as Programme Director. She will match international advisors to the stand-out filmmakers selected so they can develop ground breaking shows for a global audience”, said Jackie Dennis, Executive Director of Script to Screen.

Applications open: 18 February 2019, 9am

Applications close: 18 March 2019, 9am

5-day Series Drama Lab: June 10-15, 2019

RAUPAPA WHAKAARI is a New Zealand Film Commission and NZ On Air initiative run in conjunction with Script to Screen.

Raupapa Whakaari Guidelines


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