May round information

We are getting close to the final funding round of the financial year!

The May round has limited remaining funding available for Scripted and Factual content. So we are strategically targeting the investment from this round to create the best impact. We know this will cause disappointment for those planning projects outside the parameters below but we intend that theJuly round guidelines (deadline 30 May) will be more expansive.


  • We have around $1.5m available
  • With this in mind we have decided to target funding to support the Tuia 250 commemorations.
  • We are seeking applications for content that will commemorate Tuia Encounters 250. This nationwide initiative marks 250 years since the first sustained encounters between Māori and Europeans in NZ. Please read the Round Information for details.
  • We are not seeking general Factual production applications in this round.


  • We have around $2.2m available
  • We will prioritise applications for general Scripted projects that fit within the Sustainable and Newer Storyteller strands of our Scripted Roadmap.
  • Projects already in development will be prioritised for production investment. See the Round Information for more details.
  • We are not accepting new projects for development due to the large number of projects currently in development (35).


  • This round is for currently funded entities making their annual application for operating funding in the 2019/2020 financial year. Applications for new platforms will not be considered. Read platform round information for more details.

Important dates:

  • May round opens 4pm 8 February
  • Round closes 21 March 4pm.
  • Applicants notified 9 May.
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Taking our best to the world

NZ On Air and the NZ Film Commission are looking for the best ideas for new drama series with international appeal.

The Raupapa Whakaari initiative, first signalled at the SPADA conference last year, will open for applications on 18 February. Applications close on 18 March.

Full guidelines and application requirements have now been published. You can read more here.

RNZ/NZ On Air Joint Innovation Fund

We had an overwhelming response to the first Signature Projects and Growth Audiences rounds of the RNZ / NZ On Air Innovation Fund.

The majority of applications were of a very high standard and tough decisions had to be made. In total 154 projects were pitched, and 16% of those have been shortlisted.

Producers have been notified and shortlisted applicants have until Monday 25 February 4pm to submit full proposals for consideration.

RFPs still open

A reminder that the Pacific and Asian Newer Storytellers RFP is closing on Monday 11 February.

The updated RFP and suggested application structure can be found here.

Match-making : writers and producers

The NZ Writers Guild offers a producers list to its members for writers who are seeking producers and production companies to partner with on projects and ideas for screen.

If you are seeking writers with projects ready for development, you can be included in the NZWG Producer list.

To be included on the list for 2019 click on the link below to provide your info - you need to do so by 8 February.

NZWG Producer List form