Next HEIHEI round information

We are making changes to the way you apply for funding for children's content to appear on HEIHEI. We've seen high volumes of applications, but due to limited funding we've only been able to support a relatively small number of projects. And that's wasted effort for many producers and a big workload for our assessors.

So we will now have a two-stage process for HEIHEI applicants. At the first stage you are only required to submit a two-page pitch. You then only need develop a full proposal if your pitch is shortlisted. 

Today we have published the information for applicants to the next HEIHEI round - which is in September. Here are the key dates:

  • 2 April - round opens
  • 30 May 4pm - deadline for two-page pitches 
  • 27 June - Shortlist of HEIHEI-only applications confirmed. Successful applicants invited to submit full proposals
  • 8 August 4pm - Deadline for shortlisted applicants to submit full proposals
  • 25 September - Funding decisions confirmed

Great news for tamariki

Today we announced up to $1m funding for a children's news pilot project. It's something we've been wanting for some time. With HEIHEI and a new kids sub-page on Stuff, and made possible by the one-off extra funding in the 2018 Budget, Kea Kids News can now take flight. It will be created by the wonderful team at Luke Nola and Friends and primary-aged journalists around the country. Read the full announcement here. 

July Scripted and Factual round

We will publish information on what we will be seeking in the July round for Scripted and Factual content later this month. 

Please read the Round Information for the September HEIHEI round here.