Working for you


We are in extraordinary, unprecedented times. Like all of us at NZ On Air you will be uncertain about the future, and by the future we mean the next few days, weeks and maybe months. We aim to remove as much uncertainty as possible by communicating regularly with you via this newsletter.

We also aim to be responsive and innovative - we are thinking hard about how to do things differently, and do different things, through this next period. More on this soon.

Tell us what's happening

We are actively keeping the government updated via the Ministry of Culture and Heritage on a daily basis about the impacts of Covid-19 on our sectors. It is important that we get a good picture of these impacts so that Government can consider the right interventions to help.

Please get in touch with us via if you would like to tell us what impacts the Corona virus and the necessary public health restrictions are having on your project or business. In particular we need to know:

  • are you able to access the government support package, if not, why not?
  • what is the impact to date in terms of jobs, wages - is your project in hiatus or at risk, and for what reasons?
  • is there anything NZ On Air can do for you (with regard to your funded project)? For example we will be flexible with delivery dates and drawdowns and outputs.
  • This applies also to funded Music projects.

Current status of funded projects

To date we have received information about approximately 20 funded Scripted and Factual projects in some way impacted by Covid-19 - most, at this stage are signalling delays. We've heard of at least two funded music projects impacted (although this is a drop in the ocean compared to the live gigs cancelled.) There have been a number of sponsored industry events cancelled or postponed and we are aware of some problems for some of the Access radio stations.

With the country at Alert Level 2, and the possibility of moving very quickly to a higher level of alert, please ensure you are only continuing to work if you are able to do so safely for all cast, crew and support staff.

We will be getting in touch in coming days with representatives of the sectors we provide funding for to ensure we are well informed about your issues and can respond accordingly.

Useful links

If you are an employer, or self-employed/contractor who needs wage or sick pay relief as a result of Covid-19 please go here.

If you want more information of Health and safety measures to keep your workforce Corona-virus free go here. Also check out the Screen Industry Covid-19 Action Group website for more resources.

If you are a music artist who has had gigs cancelled please register on I Lost My Gig NZ

Keeping the funding flowing

Applications for the May round closed last week and our staff are busy assessing them.

We have tested our systems and we are confident we can continue to keep the funding flowing throughout the current restrictions as a result of Covid-19, and whatever more restrictions may come.

Stay in touch

To ensure staff can remain healthy we are practicing social distancing as advised by the Ministry of Health. This means having fewer people in the office - more staff working remotely from home, as much as possible. Please make an appointment if you need a face-to-face (at a distance) meeting.

The best way to contact us initially is by email - so that staff can respond regardless of where they are working at the time. Alternatively call the main landline 04 382 9524 and Rebecca our receptionist will take a message, or forward you on. If you don't know who you need to contact a good all-purpose contact is We also remain available for meetings by Zoom or Skype.

Keep the ideas flowing!


We are blessed to be a resilient industry, with the ability to respond quickly. At NZ On Air we will be continuing to run funding rounds and award funding as this situation progresses - but cogniscent of the environment we are in we will be looking to innovate.

We accept there may be delays and other impediments to completing projects and we will be flexible. The most important thing is to keep the industry working as much as possible where it is safe to do so, and ready to respond as and when life returns to normality (or something close to it!)

So please keep thinking of great ideas for local stories and writing your fabulous songs! New Zealand needs these. It's how we reflect who we are, and often how we come together as a community.

Support local music by buying it and artist merchandise, and watch local content on local platforms. Not just to stay connected, but to support our local media.