Looking for information on how we can work together to promote your music?

Check out the Music promotion page with resources to help you you reach out to local radio networks and media to promote your music release

Contract Initiation and Safe Spaces Agreement

Once you have successfully received NZ On Air Music funding, artists or music companies must enter into a contract with NZ On Air before any funding can be paid out.

This is the first step to begin any funding, where you will receive a letter to read and sign which contains your funding contract to confirm the "Contracting Party" who will be handling all "drawdowns" and communications with NZ On Air in regards to the funding.

There is also have a mandatory Safe Spaces Agreement, which will now be part of all contracts. This establishes some common ground rules for a positive and safe environment for recording sessions, video shoots or any other collaborative space for your project.

The Safe Spaces Agreement is an acknowledgement that there are systemic and harmful power imbalances within the music industry, and a commitment to help create change. It helps artists, videographers, photographers, producers, labels, managers, publicists, project managers and all relevant collaborators to have security and confidence when entering a project. Respect and safety are a priority for all NZ On Air funded projects.

Budget template

We release funding in stages, which we refer to as "drawdowns". This is an agreement between NZ On Air and the funding applicant which is stated in your funding contract.

After the first payment, artists or music companies must meet agreed milestones and provide reports on progress to receive further drawdowns.

See below for a budget template for a few of our New Music initiatives, as well as information on what to include in your reports to NZ On Air.

Project timeline

Information on the general timeline in which you are expected to deliver your funded project.

Health and safety

Producers of funded music videos must be aware of their requirements must be aware of their requirements under the new Health and Safety at Work Act (2015).

NZ On Air along with the Film Commission, SPADA and industry guilds and organisations has funded the development of the website Screensafe as an industry resource for Health and Safety information.

NZ On Air supports Soundcheck Aotearoa, an action group with a mission to foster a safe and inclusive culture for the music community. They have a variety of printable resources and tools to assist everyone in the music community to prevent and respond to sexual harassment and assault in their workplaces. Some of the resources also address bullying and discrimination.

You can find more information & free-to-use downloadable resources on Soundcheck Aotearoa here.

Applying our logo to your visual content

It is important that New Zealanders know what their taxpayer dollars have funded, so having consistent NZ On Air accreditation helps reinforce the cultural value of our funding for Aotearoa.

There are specific requirements for the accreditation of funded content when it is broadcast or uploaded, and in publicity and promotional material. These accreditation requirements form part of the contract for funding.

On November 2021, NZ On Air updated its logo and brand assets. These new assets are available below.

Please download these files and delete any saved versions of the old logo, animated logo bug, animated credit sequence or accreditations requirements document. Any NZ On Air logos or images found elsewhere are not approved for use.

If your content was funded through the NZ On Air / Te Māngai Pāho Waiata Takitahi initiative please download and apply the specific Waiata Takitahi Logo Pack, not the generic logo pack below.

Should you have further queries relating to these requirements, the NZ On Air brand, or would like your logo placement to be checked, please contact someone from the NZ On Air Music team at musicteam@nzonair.govt.nz