Rautaki Māori - Māori strategy

Te Pae Tata – Ko tā mātau ngākau titikaha ki te hunga kaiwaihanga arapāho Māori me ngā marea.

Te Pae Tata – our commitment to Māori content creators and audiences.

Marquesas - resized
Origins 2, Scottie Douglas Productions, TVNZ 1

He wāhanga motuhake o tō mātau rautaki tuku pūtea, kia rāhuitia ai tētahi wāhi mō ngā āhuatanga Māori. He kawenga āroa ki te hunga kaiwaihanga arapāho Māori me ngā minenga, ehara i te mea ka uhia te taha pūtea anake, engari ko te wā tuatahi tēnei mō ngā wāhanga mahi whakahaere a Irirangi te Motu.

I raro i Te Ture Whakapāho 1989, kia hāpaitia ake ai te reo Māori me te ahurea Māori, ā, mā Te Pae Tata e āwhina mai ki te whakatutuki i tēnei.

Ka whai atu a Te Pae Tata ki te:

  • Kia ngaringari ake ngā minenga Māori, te hunga kaiwaihanga arapāho Māori.
  • Kia whātaua, kia repoatangia ai hoki ngā hua ia tau.
  • Whakamāheretia tētahi rautaki reo Māori, kia āta tirohia ia tau.
  • Kia tika ai te whakaputanga whakaaro o Ngāi Māori, ā, kia tautokona ake ai rātou i roto i te rōpū whakahaere.
  • Kia waihangatia ai te whai wāhitanga tūturu ki ngā pūtahi Māori, ngā iwi, ngā hāpori me ngā minenga.

E whakamihia ana e tā mātau mahi ngā hua o Te Māngai Pāho.

Atu i tērā, ka hāngai mātau ki ngā arapāho Pākehā mō ngā minenga e kaingākau ana ki te ao Māori, hei whakakipakipa ake i te whakamahinga o te reo Māori i waenga nui i ngā minenga kore reo.

Mā Te Pae Tata e whakapūmau ai a rōpū nei ki ngā whāinga ā-rōpū hei taunaki i te whakatutukinga o ngā whāinga pūtea.

An important part of our funding strategy is to make special provision for Māori content. Te Pae Tata is a comprehensive commitment to Māori content creators and audiences. It covers not only funding but all operational aspects of Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air.

Under the Broadcasting Act 1989 we are required to promote Māori language and Māori culture. Te Pae Tata helps us to do that.

Te Pae Tata aims to:

  • Increase outcomes for Māori audiences, content creators and report on these
  • Develop a te reo Māori plan to be reviewed annually
  • Ensure Māori are represented and supported within Irirangi Te Motu
  • Develop meaningful engagement with Māori agencies, creators, iwi, communities and audiences

Our work complements the work of the Māori broadcast funding agency, Te Māngai Pāho.

We focus on content in English for audiences interested in te ao Māori, encouraging the use of te reo as appropriate to normalise the language for non-fluent audiences.

Te Pae Tata also holds our agency accountable for a number of organisational goals that support the delivery of the funding goals.

Tō mātou kawenga ki Te Tiriti o Waitangi - Our Te Tiriti o Waitangi commitment

Hei hinonga Karauna tū motuhake, e qhakamanatia ana Te Tiriti o Waitangi e mātou hei tūāpapa o tō tātou tuakiri hei motu me te hononga ki Ngāi Māori kei tōna rito.

E mōhiotia ana e mātou tō Māori mana ki te tino rangatiratanga, ā, ka whai whakaaro mātou kia uru atu ki tā mātou mahi, ko ngā whanonga pona o Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

As an autonomous Crown Entity, we acknowledge Te Tiriti o Waitangi as foundational to our identity as a country and the relationship with Māori at its heart.

We acknowledge Māori right to tino rangatiratanga and will seek to integrate into our mahi the following principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Mana taurite - Equity

Ko ngā hua tautika mō te hunga toi me ngā mātakitaki

Equitable outcomes for Māori creatives and audiences.

Whakamarumarutia - Active protection

Kia whakatenatenatia te Reo Māori me ōna tikanga i roto i te umanga me ngā mea kua utua.

Encouragement of te reo Māori and Tikanga Māori both within the agency and in funded content.

Kōwhiringa - Options

Ko te mana o te kōwhiri mō Ngāi Māori kia whai wāhi atu ki Te Ao Māori me Te Ao Pākehā.

The right of choice for Māori to engage with te ao Māori and te ao Pākehā

Mahi Tahi - Partnership

Mahi Tahi ki te hunga whaipānga Māori me ngā iwi kia tika ai ngā painga pātahi mō ngā painga pātahi mō ngā mātakitaki katoa.

Partnership with Māori stakeholders and Iwi to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes for all audiences.

E whakatinanahia mai ana e tō mātau Rautaki Māori ēnei whanonga, ā, ia tau ka āta tātaringia ēnei hei whakapuaki i tā mātau takohanga kia whakamanahia ai Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Our Rautaki Māori (Māori Strategy) embodies these principles and will be reviewed annually to provide an ongoing demonstration of our commitment to honouring the intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Ngā Angitū Pūtea mō te hunga kaiwaihanga arapāho Māori

Mā Te Pae Tata ka hāngai tā Irirangi te Motu takohanga ki te hāpai ake i te hunga kaiwaihanga arapāho Māori kia rongo ai i ngā reo Māori, mai i ngā minenga Māori me ngā minenga katoa. Mā pēnei ka whakapūmautia te mana motuhake o ngā kōrero, ā, kia huakina ai ngā ara mō Māori i roto i ngā rāngai whai take.

Pānuihia ēnei angitū mō te hunga kaiwaihanga arapāho Māori kei raro iho nei. A tōna wā, ka tāpirihia ētahi atu arawātea ki kōnei.

Funding opportunities for Māori creators

NZ On Air’s commitment through Te Pae Tata means we will uplift Māori content creators to ensure Māori voices are heard, both by Māori audiences and all audiences. This will ensure Māori have story sovereignty, and also ensure opportunities and pathways are available to Māori in the sectors we provide funding to.

Read about opportunities for Māori creators below. Additional opportunities that arise from time to time or in the future will be added here.

Waiata Takitahi

Ko Waiata Takitahi he tahua pūtea i whakarewahia i te tau 2020, hei mahi tahi i waenga i a Irirangi Te Motu me Te Māngai Pāho. Ko te tahua pūtea nei e tae atu ana ki te $14,000 (+Tāke Hokohoko, mehemea kua rehitatia), e tuku ana ki ngā utu mō te waihanga waiata kotahi, te waihanga ataata arapāho matua me ētahi atu mea kiriata, ā, kia tuku rauemi ki ngā mahi whakatairanga, ngā whakaaturanga, me te tokonga i te whakawhānuitanga o te waiata kotahi.

Tāpirihia atu tētahi $1,000 (+Take Hokohoko, kua rehita) mō te Utu Ringapuoro Mahi Waihanga, i whakatūria i te Hānuere 2024, hei āwhina i ngā ratonga auaha i tutuki i te ringapuoro. Ka $15,000 te katoa o te tahua pūtea mō te Waiata Takitahi.

Ka takea mai te ringapuoro i ngā ahurea katoa o te ao, heoi, ko te whāinga matua kia rangona ai te reo Māori. Ko te tūmanako, mā tētahi mātanga reo e whakatūturu i te kounga o te reo me te horopaki i te waiaa.

Ka tuwhera te rauna pūtea mō te Waiata Takitahi hei te 9 Oketopa 2025.

Waiata Takitahi

Waiata Takitahi is a co-fund launched in 2020 as a collaboration between NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho. Funding of up to $14,000 (plus GST, if registered) is available to put towards the costs of recording a single song, creating video content and other visual collateral, and putting resource towards promotion, publicity, and marketing for the single release.

There is also a $1,000 mandatory Artist Creation Fee which was introduced in January 2024, for internal creative services provided to the project by the artist. This brings the total Waiata Takitahi funding up to $15,000.

Artists can come from any background but the use of te reo Māori in the song will be expected to be overseen by a te reo Māori language consultant to ensure quality control and the contextual relevance in the song.

The next Waiata Takitahi funding round will open 9 October 2025.

Ko ētahi atu mōhiohio ka kitea i te whārangi mō te Waiata Takitahi.

More detailed information can be found on the Waiata Takitahi page.

Te Pūtea Tautoko Mahi Tahi nā Te Māngai Pāho

He tū taketake te tahua pūtea takirua a Irirangi Te Motu me Te Māngai Pāho, ā, e wātea ana mō ngā tono kia kotahi anake ia tau.

Mā te tahua pūtea takirua e whai atu ngā tono mō ngā arapāho kiriata Māori kairangi i ngā minenga whānui. Ko te arapāho e hiahiatia nei e mātau he mea hāngai ki Aotearoa, he hihiko, ā, he pārekareka hoki. Atu i tērā, ka puta mai te pāpātanga pai hoki ki runga i ngā waiaro o ngā iwi o Aotearoa ki te reo Māori, ā, mā te tuku wheako pai o te reo hei whakakotahi i a rātau, hei āwhina ki te pupuri i te reo.

Ka tūwhera anō te tahua pūtea takirua nei i ngā tono hei te 21 o Ākuhata 2025, ā, ka wātea te RFP hoki i konei.

Te Mangai Pāho Co-fund

NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho have a well-established co-fund which is open for applications once a year.

The co-fund seeks applications for high-quality reo Māori screen content for a broad audience. The content we seek is Aotearoa-centric, engaging and compelling. It will also positively impact on New Zealanders’ attitudes toward te reo Māori by giving the audience an experience of the language that is inclusive and within their reach.

The co-fund will next be open for applications 21 August 2025 and the RFP will be available here.

Tēnā: Tirohia, Whakarongo - Watch & Listen

Enjoy content from Māori creators

Kairākau S4: The Rise of Tūwhakairiora

Kairaku S4 Tūwhakairiora & Mana
Te Ataakura must run for her life, leaving behind all she's known to give birth to her only hope, a son to seek utu, a son called Tūwhakairiora.

Not Even S2

Not Even S2
As the gang live life around Wellington, we see Heps and Taaps throw a huge party at their flat. Ma insists she's a changed woman, Pua meets a potential lover.

Reiki Ruawai

Raglan native Reiki Ruawai is on a winning streak, releasing 'In Time' - his second single of 2024. Merging elements of R&B, soul and Motown.


rei- toitū
Toitū is the latest single from Rei's upcoming album, Moisturise & Decolonise. With Baile Funk vibes, drill influences, bilingual reo raps and haka chants.

Kaupapahere Reo

Mā mātau tonu e tautoko ake te iwi Māori ki te whai wāhi atu ki te reo Māori. I te wāhi, ka tuku kōrero i roto i ngā reo e rua. Ko tō mātau rōpū me ngā kaimahi e haere ngātahi ana ki te ako, ki te whakapakari i te reo Māori. Ka taea e ētahi te kōrero i te reo Māori noa nei, heoi anō, ehara i tā rātau mahi matua hei kaiwhakamaori.

I runga i tērā, me whakarite mātau i ētahi atu puna rauemi hei āwhina ki te whakaatu i ngā kōrero i roto i te reo Māori me te reo Pākehā, ā, kia whiwhia, kia tātaringia hoki ngā tono i te reo Māori.

Ki te hiahia koe ki te tono mai i te reo Māori, ā, māhia. Ka whakamaiohatia e mātau te rōpū tuku pūtea, mehemea ka whakamōhio tuatahi mai kia tika ai ā mātau rauemi hei āwhina i te mahi i tō tono.

Language Policy

We support the right of Māori to engage in Te Reo Māori. Where we can, we will provide information in both languages. Our agency and its staff are on a journey of development in Te Reo Māori. While we have some staff who speak te reo Māori, it is not their primary role to be translators. This means we need to arrange for additional resources to present information in both Te Reo Māori and English, and to receive and assess applications in Te Reo Māori.

If you wish to make a funding application in Te Reo Māori please do so. It would be appreciated if you could advise the funding team in advance so we can arrange appropriate resourcing to accurately and appropriately assess your application.

Rangahau Whai Tikanga

E whārikihia mai ana tā mātau mahi e te raraunga me te rangahau. Ka taea te pānui i te rangahau e hāngai ana ki te hunga kaiwaihanga arapāho Māori, ngā arapāho me ngā minenga kei raro iho nei.

Relevant research

Our work is underpinned by data and research. Research relevant to Māori creators, content and audiences can be read below.


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