Before Applying for Music Funding

To apply for music funding you must first register as an applicant with our online application system.

Any applications not submitted online will not be considered. Please note: all material submitted to NZ On Air is covered by the Official Information Act.

Before you apply, there are some things to check to see if you are eligible to apply for NZ On Air Music funding. These factors may affect the outcome of your funding applications and are important to check before applying for music funding.

  1. Ensure your music qualifies as “New Zealand music”. Read the criteria here.
  2. We also have a checklist of Music Funding Guidelines, which you will need to check through to see if they apply to your single or project. Read the Music Funding Guidelines checklist here.
  3. If you are applying for New Music Single funding, we ask that you check that you have reached our entry threshold criteria. This means you must have achieved at least 10 out of the 30 criteria benchmarks for your music to date. Read the New Music Single Criteria and Guidelines document here.
  4. The song you apply with cannot be released on any streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Bandcamp, YouTube Music, etc).
  5. The applicant can only have one New Music Single (or Focus round funding) open at the time of applying and Zero New Music Project or New Music Project Kids funding open.

Our strategy for investing in music is outlined in the NZ On Air Investment Strategy.

NZ On Air Music funding supports the development, recording, and promotion of single songs and multi-song projects.  We fund projects that reflect Aotearoa and have the potential to reach significant broadcast and online audiences.

We notify all funding applicants of the New Music Single and Focus rounds funding decisions through e-mail within 48 hours of the funding assessment meeting.

New Music Project funding decisions are notified via email within 48 hours of the Staff Investment Committee (SIC) Meeting.

All funding decisions are also posted and available on our NZ On Air Music social media platforms and website.

For a full list of current funding decision dates, click here.

Thursday 25 January  New Music Single

Thursday 8  February  New Music Project

Thursday 29  February  New Music Pasifika

Thursday 14 March  New Music Development

Thursday 11 April  New Music Single

Wednesday 24 April  New Music Project

Thursday 16 May  New Music Pan-Asian

Thursday 13 June  New Music Single

Thursday 11 July  New Music Project

Thursday 8 August – New Music Kids

Thursday 22 August – New Music Single

Thursday 12 September – New Music Project

Thursday 24 October – New Music Single

Thursday 7 November – Waiata Takitahi

The 15th of every month – NewTracks Compilation

NZ On Air Music Funding

Click the buttons below to read more on the music funding initiatives at NZ On Air

Resources for Funded Artists

If your application is successful there are a number of steps you will need to take to receive your funding.

Check out the Resources for Funded Artists page to find all the pārongo you'll need for the next step in the post-funding process and for information, which includes budget templates, Safe Spaces Agreement, NZ On Air logo guidelines and more.

Promoting Your Music

In today’s global music market, it’s becoming more and more challenging to get your music noticed. We want more great NZ music on radio and online platforms, enjoyed by more people.

Click below for more information on how we can assist you in promoting your music, resources on social media, and approaching New Zealand's local media platforms.

Sync Licensing

As well as funding music, NZ On Air funds public media content that reflects the cultural identity of Aotearoa and connects with audiences - which includes Scripted and Non-Fiction screen content.

So with our dual role as a funder of both content types, we are ideally positioned to promote the increased integration of local music into Aotearoa New Zealand's screen productions.

This is called Sync Licensing - and it is when music is used within a piece of visual content, such as film, television, digital or games content.

In 2023, NZ On Air announced that we would begin funding certain productions specifically to adequately plan and budget for the integration and licensing of New Zealand music and songs into screen productions.

To find out more, check out the Sync Licensing section of our Funding webpage.

NZ On Air Music Funding Review

In 2023, NZ On Air commissioned a Review of NZ On Air's Music Funding to provide a comprehensive view of where the music industry in Aotearoa New Zealand was at in 2023 - and then examine closely the role and efficacy of our NZ On Air Music funding initiatives within that.

The aim was to understand the challenges the industry faces both at home and globally. And then ensure that our music funding initiatives were fit-for-purpose, future-focused and continue to give audiences a range of quality local songs to enjoy.

The 2023 Review of NZ On Air's Music Funding and NZ On Air's Response document can be found below.