Scripted and Non-Fiction funding
We fund the development and production of local Scripted and Non-Fiction kaupapa that reflects and develops New Zealand culture.
Before you apply for pūtea tautoko you need to know what we can fund, what you'll need to include in your application, and how we'll assess your application.
Registered applicants
If you’ve applied for funding before, or are already registered and have read our tono guidelines, you can go straight to our online funding application portal.
Journalism funding
The Public Interest Journalism Fund is now closed.
This was a three year fund to designed to provide targeted, short to medium-term support for public interest journalism. The final funding round has been completed and there will be no further opportunities to apply for this fund.
Music funding
We fund the development, recording and promotion of single songs and multi-song projects.
We run multiple puoro funding rounds per year. For your best chance of a successful application, first read about about the funding you are applying for: New Music Single, New Music Project, New Music Development, Waiata Takitahi, New Music Pasifika, New Music Kids or New Music Pan-Asian.
You can also read about submitting your waiata for our NewTracks compilation.
Game Development Sector Rebate scheme
NZ On Air will administer the new Game Development Sector Rebate scheme (GDSR) announced as part of Budget 2023. The scheme will provide $40m per year to support the ongoing development and growth of New Zealand’s game development sector. It seeks to catalyse growth and job creation in mid- to large-sized game development studios to strengthen the domestic sector.
Platform funding
We provide pūtea tautoko to a number of targeted platforms and services that provide important public media content.
These include access, Pacific and student radio, disability access services, and content discovery hubs.
This is a closed fund with only one round per year.
Funding decisions
All funding decisions are available through our funding decisions search.
We may also issue media releases and pānui about funding decisions, these can be read on our news page.
Additional resources
Resources for producers
For successful Scripted and Non-Fiction applicants: Templates and guidelines for every step of the process, to help you meet your obligations to NZ On Air and receive your funding.
Resources for Funded Artists
For successful Music applicants : Templates and guidelines you’ll need in order to receive your funding. For all musicians: Information on how to market your song and find an audience.