Ka aha mātau? - What we do

We are an autonomous government funding agency delivering valued, diverse, discoverable New Zealand public media.

Young Riders bts
Young Riders, Greenstone TV, YouTube

As a public media funding agency, we work with the creative community and media platforms to deliver quality public media for Aotearoa New Zealand’s audiences. This content is world-class and is often also enjoyed by global audiences, creating weightless export revenue.

Our primary function is to make sure New Zealand stories, songs and perspectives are created, found and enjoyed by New Zealand audiences. Established under the Broadcasting Act 1989, we exist to 'reflect and develop New Zealand identity and culture'.

We do this by managing and distributing public funds to content creators, service providers and platforms, and hold relationships across the media landscape.

While our legislated remit is clearly cultural, our impacts include strong economic benefits. Funding quality local content contributes to the viability of local platforms and creates work for local people in the production, music and game development sectors. Increasingly we are seeing international finance attached to local productions that both elevates budgets and expand audience reach beyond our shores. Productions and games sold internationally also bring in export revenue, and international co-productions create additional spend in our economy.

Funding strategy

Our investment strategy acknowledges the complexity of the current media ecosystem. It is flexible and future-focused.

Creation: Supporting the development, production, and distribution of high-quality and distinctive local content across a range of platforms and formats, with a focus on diversity, cultural authenticity, and excellence.

Insights: Gaining deep understanding and insights into our audiences, their needs, preferences, and behaviours in relation to local content, which informs our funding decisions and content strategies.

Capability: Building the skills, knowledge, and capacity of our team and funded creators to adapt to changing media landscapes and emerging technologies, and to drive innovation and creativity in the sector.

Discoverability: Promoting the discoverability and accessibility of local content through effective marketing, distribution, and audience engagement strategies, and leveraging the digital technologies to reach and engage with audiences wherever they are.

Four pou
Download: NZ_On_Air_Investment_Strategy_2024

The investment strategy implemented in 2023, replacing the NZ Media Fund.

PDF 1007.2 KB

Tā mātou anga rautaki - Our strategic framework

NZOA_Our Strategic Framework

Te Ipukarea o Irirangi Te Motu is our foundational document. Every four years we produce a Statement of Intent which sets out our medium-term plans at a high level, and our annual work plans are laid out in a Statement of Performance Expectations. We report against our outcomes and achievements against these plans in our Annual Reports.

All of these documents are available to read here.

Ā mātou whanonga poono - Our values

Our values guide the work that we do.

Manaakitanga (Care)

  • We put people first – our staff and stakeholders
  • We treat everyone with mana and respect
  • We are inclusive, supportive and empathetic

Kaitiakitanga (Guardianship)

  • We understand the responsibility of enabling and nurturing creativity/content creators
  • We ensure the taonga we fund authentically reflect and serve Aotearoa
  • We are professional and transparent in our decision-making

Māia (Courage)

  • We know what we are here to do and will take purposeful risks to get there
  • We are brave; we act with integrity when we have to make hard decisions
  • We have the confidence to lead change where it is needed

Funded by NZ On Air

Explore the best and latest in NZ On Air funded content, from drama, to music, to documentaries.

Kairākau S4: The Rise of Tūwhakairiora

Kairaku S4 Tūwhakairiora & Mana
Te Ataakura must run for her life, leaving behind all she's known to give birth to her only hope, a son to seek utu, a son called Tūwhakairiora.

Unbreakable S3

unbrekable s3
Following nine more remarkable Kiwis as they pursue their life goals. Follow their ups and downs as these inspirational New Zealanders tick off their bucket lists one dream at a time.

Inky Pinky Ponky

inky pinky
When a young fakaleiti falls in love at St Valentine's Highschool, she must navigate her way through a world of intolerance and bigotry to find happiness in an unexpected place.

Brutal Lives - Mo'ui Faingata'a season 2

BLS2 Ep3 Kava Party
In this first ever Tongan language drama, Soane 'The Shark' Valu had the world at his feet until he lost it all. Now he reluctantly returns to South Auckland after his father's death.


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